Market Development

Market development is about understanding the market you want to operate in. This could be because you want to expand within an existing market or break into a new one. What are your routes to market? What does your network look like and how can you expand it? Who are the players and what are the trends? Most importantly how do you ensure you increase your chances of success. Depending on the sector, organisation size and country specific legislation the procurement process can be a minefield for suppliers and buyers to navigate. Avantis Performance can help you find your way.

Existing Markets

You might already have a  foot hold in a market but  how do you use that success to expand? Is it more of the same or expanding your current offerings? What are the market trends, who are the big players and who is and who isn’t a good potential partner.

Knowing where to invest precious time and resources is difficult. Avantis Performance can help you make those decision through a detailed investment analysis. 

When you understand more about the opportunities in that market how do you access them? It is not good enough just to be on the right frameworks or preferred supplier lists and wait for the opportunities to start rolling in. Avantis Performance are experts in the defence sector and help increase your chances of finding and winning key expansion opportunities through careful analysis and industry knowledge.

Growing New Markets

You might have an outstanding sales team but how will they translate previous success into new markets? Equally you might have no sales team and don’t know where to start. 

You might have a game changing product or outstanding insights and services you might even have a potential client who loves them. But if you are not on the right systems or frameworks or you haven’t gone through the correct steps you and your potential clients can end up very disappointed.

As the new kids in town how do you know who to trust? Who are the major players? Who are the bully boys who don’t play fair? Who is in favour with the client and who is not? Partnering is a great way to break into a market but remember that not all partners are created equal! Specifically in the defence sector we guide our clients through these tricky questions so that they can understand potential new markets. Enabling them to make better investment decisions that will drive their growth and reduce the risk of failure 

Bids and Tendering

Engagement between buyers and sellers at all stages of the relevant procurement process is not just useful it’s vital. Quality and transparent communications will increase increase your chances of winning business and the buyer getting what they need at the right price.

For many organisations bidding can be a nightmare. Some companies have huge budgets and massive bid teams others have to make do with what time senior staff can spare. It can be costly and demoralising if all you do is lose. Bid work is not just about writing and  presentation it is about structure and process. We help you ensure that you focus limited, expensive and busy resources on what really matters.

It is equally hard for buyers to interpret what to ask, how to mark the responses and choose between almost identical answers. Avantis Performance have experience at both ends of the procurement process. We help businesses win more bids and buyers to get the deal they want.

Want some quick insights? Get in touch for a free no obligation insights session.

What we do


Whether you are looking to expand an existing market or break into a new one. We can:

  • Create a market development strategy
  • Analyse the markets you want to work in
  • Provide investment analysis to support your market development decision making
  • Provide bid support including process development, writing services and independent review

Digital and Professional Services

We know digital and professional services. With partners and networks covering the public and private sectors Avantis Performance can help you find short cuts into your new market. We can:

  • Create a market development strategy that will help your break into the UK defence sector
  • Provide investment analysis to support your market development decision making
  • Provide insight into the procurement process
  • Provide bid support including writing services and independent review

Public Sector

We know that working with industry can be tough. Making getting the right deal for tax payers hard. We can:

  • Provide insight into the supply side of the defence market
  • Support engagement with SME suppliers
  • Provide tender evaluation support

All our services are tailored to your needs please get in touch to find out more.

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