Our Expertise
With a wealth of experience across the private and public sectors we are passionate about helping you reach your growth and performance potential. We use our expertise to help SMEs grow and Digital companies and innovators get into and thrive in the UK Defence Sector. We are the link between good strategy, great implementation and real value.
With over 30 years of combined experience in the UK defence sector we know and understand the defence procurement ecosystem. Having served on both the supply and demand side we understand the quite rightly rigorous and regulated public sector procurement process. We can help organisations of any size navigate the maze of frameworks and unravel the mystery of the tendering process. We have:
Operated at the highest levels of defence (2* and 3* personnel)
Experience of DE&S, Defence Digital, SDA, DSTL, Strategic Command, Navy Digital
A comprehensive network of partners across defence
Scaling Businesses
Whether you are just beginning to scale or have tried it all before we can help you.
We have:
Rapidly scaled a business from 10 to 150 people over 4 years
Experience of the investment process, acquisitions and mergers
Overseen diversification, breaking into and growing new markets
We help you avoid the many expensive pitfalls of growing a business before they happen. Saving you priceless time and increasing the speed of your success.
Get in touch to find out more.