Value Creation
We all want value. Our shareholders want value in the form of turnover and profit. Our clients or end users want value in the form of quality products or services that meet their needs. Employees want value in the form of job satisfaction and fair remuneration. Each stakeholder group will view value differently and you need to satisfy them all! Value creation is all about turning good strategy into great implementation and real value. We’re here to help you understand what to do and where to invest your time and money in order to create the maximum value for all your stakeholders – including you!
Defining Value
Avantis Performance helps you define your version of value. Many organisations define their value in terms of revenue and profit. The higher the better. There is nothing wrong with this. However what if revenue and profit come at the cost of diversification or creating new intellectual property?
It all comes down to your strategic objectives. What are you trying to achieve and by when? You can then define what your specific version of value looks like. For example, in an organisation that is looking for investment, it is about more than just profit. It is about factors such as market presence and unique IP. Therefore their definition of value would include market penetration and IP as well as revenue and profit.
But unless you define, measure and prioritise all these factors revenue and profit will always be prioritised. Meaning you could be losing out on creating the value you need.

Creating Value
Strategic objectives, creating value for different stakeholders, and strategic scorecards are all very well but how does this translate into real things like new clients, amazing new innovation and profit?
We help you to map that golden thread between strategic objectives and what real life people with names and job titles need to do in order to achieve that. The key, breaking these activities into value streams with actionable deliverables owned by senior stakeholders in the business. In other words a plan.
This level of detail might seem excessive but by planning it out risks and issues can be identified early, key resources identified, value can be delivered iteratively and activities stopped if they are ineffective. Saving you time and money by avoiding mistakes and increasing the probability of achieving your strategic objectives.

Implement and measure
Avantis Performance helps you to diagnose what value means to you. We then help you to design a plan that translates strategic intent into actions that can be owned, tracked and implemented.
Whether that means developing dynamic resourcing models that allow you to better deploy key assets or setting up key delivery structures to help reduce waste we can help.
With our flexible and very tailorable approach, we can help you define, map out and increase your value creation. If you don’t know where to start or just want to talk through your ideas get in touch.

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What we do
Whether you are just starting out or looking to scale understanding what value you need to create and how is critical. We can:
- Help you define your value
- Develop and review your vision, mission and strategic objectives
- Develop value creation plans and scorecards
- Design organisational structure and governance aligned to your value creation plan
- Design and implement resourcing model to support value creation
Digital and Professional Services
You might have the most innovative solution on the market but how does that translate into business success? We work with large and small organisations to translate technical excellence into the value the organisation needs. We can:
- Develop value creation plans for specific products or services
- Assess and map out your current value creation processes
- Provide organisational design
- Support strategic resource planning and modelling
Public Sector
Creating and delivering value to end users, whilst ensuring tax payers money is spent wisely, is at the heart of the public sector. We can:
- Develop department/service level value creation plans
- Assess and map out your current value creation processes
- Provide organisational design
- Support strategic resource planning and modelling
All our services are tailored to your needs please get in touch to find out more.
Case Studies
Want some quick insights? Get in touch for a free no obligation insights session.